Become a Nevada Craft Brewers Association Member
Craft Brewery Members
At the heart of the Nevada Craft Brewers Association are the brewers who produce the beer that captures the imagination of craft enthusiasts and inspires the next generation of brewers.
Brewery members are any person or entity owning a facility that is actively engaged in the brewing of beer in Nevada and hold a valid Brewer’s Notice at issued by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau; and has an annual beer production of less than six million barrels.
Brewery members are invited to attend NCBA board meetings and have an active voice in the ongoing direction and objectives of the Association. You will also have a voice in the legislative initiatives of the Association and the manner in which craft beer is promoted and furthered in the state.
NV Licensed Brewery
Licensed Nevada Breweries, Brewpubs and Taproom
Gain access to education, legislation and support in political affairs, communication, marketing, promoting, industry development, administration, and events. Educational resources, classes, tech classes that are essential to sustained success
Fee: Annual $180
Brewery in Planning
Gain access to resources, educational tools, and the networking opportunities you need to start and operate a successful, quality oriented packaging brewery, taproom, or brewpub.
Fee: Annual: $155
Retailer that supports and is dedicated to selling Nevada Craft Beer
Fee: Annual: $250
Vendors / Suppliers that make key ingredients (hops, barley, yeast) or provide important service our breweries need (accounting, banking, equipment, insurance, logos, packaging, legal counsel and more).
Fee: Annual: $500
Associate members help organizations build and strengthen the craft brewing community. Benefits include contact information, access to NCBA events, networking and business development opportunities.
Fee: Annual: $1,500
Brands & Contract Brewers
Beer brands or Contract brewers that have a business license in NV and distribution in NV.
Annual Fee: $155